Personal Protective Equipment – Gowns, Aprons, Lab Coats
All personnel must use gowns, aprons, or lab coats when soiling of the clothing with blood, body fluids, secretions, or excretions is likely to occur while on duty.
Policy Implementation
Personnel must wear a gown, apron, or lab coat when performing a task(s) that will likely soil the employee’s clothing with blood, body fluids, secretions, or excretions.
When gowns are used, they must be used only once and discarded into appropriate receptacles located in the room in which the procedure was performed.
Gowns used to protect against soiling with blood must be made of or lined with puncture-resistant material and must protect all areas of exposed skin.
Lab coats used to protect clothing from splashing or soiling of body fluids during routine exams must be adequate to contain the soil.
If blood or other potentially infectious materials penetrate a garment(s) (e.g., gown, apron, lab coat, etc.), the garment(s) must be removed immediately or as soon as practical and appropriately discarded.
For easy access, gowns and aprons are maintained at:
- central supply;
- nurses’ stations; and
- Unit Supply Closets.
Soiled gowns and aprons must be removed prior to leaving the work area and discarded into the appropriate receptacle located in the work area.
If clothing becomes soiled with blood or body fluids, it should be removed and bagged before leaving the work area.
Employees will receive training relative to the use of gowns, aprons, and lab coats and other protective equipment prior to being assigned tasks that involve potential exposure to blood or body fluids and when new or modified protective equipment or procedures have been introduced into the workplace.
State Operations Manual. (2023). Appendix PP: §483.80(a) Infection prevention and control program; F880
§483.70(b) Compliance with Federal, State, and Local Laws and Professional Standards: F836
OSHA’s Bloodborne Pathogens Standard and Enforcement Standards. Retrieved from